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rsantamaria started a topic Issue with Parameters Optimization Coupled Transversely Isotropic Veronda-Westmannin Users ForumIssue with Parameters Optimization Coupled Transversely Isotropic Veronda-Westmann
I am currently working on optimizing the parameters for the Coupled Transversely Isotropic Veronda-Westmann model for my thesis. The parameters I am trying...Last edited by rsantamaria; 04-11-2024, 03:30 PM.
Error with Parameter Optimization
Hi all, I am using a biphasic model and trying to optimize for a specific hydraulic permeability using a target fluid flux. However, I am getting the...
cjwang started a topic Error with fiber angle in the uncoupled solid mixture material in optimization modulein Users ForumError with fiber angle in the uncoupled solid mixture material in optimization module
I would like to derive the fiber angle (uncoupled solid mixture material) with the optimization module. However, it gives me an "invalid parameter...
1 Principal Lagrange strain's plotfile variable
I would like to use 1 principal Lagrange strain value as the target for the optimization. However, I don't know the variable name for it. What is the...
Simultaneous calibration with FeBio
I have a data set for stress relaxation and creep and I want to use the FeBio built-in parameter optimization tool to find the optimal...
Optimization parameters go outside the defined bounds
I am running an optimization where I am trying to find the optimal parameters for Ogden Unconstrained. For the parameter "c1" I defined the...
Integral of relative volume optimization
I have a set of experimental data that contains time and volume. My goal is to optimize a set of variables to match the simulation's...
FEBio error terminated. Parameter optimization cannot continue
I'm having issues running parameter optimization on the simulation of an indentation experiment. On the attached opt file, I am trying...Last edited by avb2132; 11-09-2020, 03:15 PM.
Failed initializing task: optimize
I am trying to run a constrained levmar optimization on a biphasic material with data fit to stress experimental data and I am getting...
Parameter optimization in fiber-exponential-power model
I am having difficulty with parameter optimization with a solid mixture comprised of a neo-hookean ground substance and the fiber-exponential-power...
Element_data class as optimization objective
Is it possible to use element_data class parameters to optimize in FEBio? I have tried and get the error that optimize fails to initialize task. I did...
Optimization parameters using nodes
Dear FEBio Team,
I am having issues trying to curvefit experimental data from creep tests.
As a function for the optimization,...
How to run an optimisation with FEBio >= 2.8?
I can't run the attached optimisation. I must be making a silly mistake. Can anybody help me? Thanks.
I run like...
Parameter Optimization Module not changing initial guesses
I have run a tensile test simulation and am trying to find the optimal parameters for mooney rivlin material type. My main file runs fine and my optimization...