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17 results in 0.0029 seconds.
Contact not able to establish with tetGen meshing method
I am trying to establish contact between contact lens and cornea but the model does not seem to be working. It does not converge at the center but it...
Error: Negative Jacobian detected during domain initialization
I am having trouble running my structural mechanics model. It keeps giving me this domain initialization error and also lists specific...
Creating multiple parts for an object in FEBio
I hope this message finds you well and happy new year!
I am struggling with a problem in the FEBio modeling.
Curve projection failed
I'm drawing a curve on the STL surface and then I want to project it to get an edge on the surface, but I can't do it as you can see in the...You do not have permission to view this gallery.
This gallery has 1 photos.
Confined Compression of a Biphasic Material
I am modeling the meniscus soft tissue sample as a biphasic material with a neo-Hookean solid component and a const-iso hydraulic permeability....
Importing .mesh file, separated surfaces
Hi everyone!
I am generating a hexahedral mesh in MATLAB and writing it to a .mesh file which I then import into FEBio. Problem is, even...You do not have permission to view this gallery.
This gallery has 1 photos.
Issue reading .VTK and .ELE geometries, identifying parts
Apparently we have an early version of FEBioStudio in our machines (earlier than the downloadable 1.0.0 on the site).
We are...
Mesh Locking and Strategies
I wanted to dissect a question that came-up on this post regarding Mesh Locking.- Is Mesh Locking a product of thin structures modeled
Negative Jacobian and node numbering error with Gmsh
I created some objects with a custom mesh in gmsh 2.16.0, which I imported to FeBio.
When I try to run a multiphasic model with these objects...
Modifying the mesh of a .feb file with Gmsh and .inp
If there are any Gmsh users around here, and you have the need to modify the mesh without recreating the .feb file, you can modify the .feb file if you...
Solidworks importation method onto preview - ill-conditioned mesh
Hi there,
I am a student at Imperial College London where I am using your software to investigate forearm soft tissue mechanics in the...
negative Jacobian Mesh Inspector
Hello everyone,
When the Mesh Inspector in PRE-VIEW has a negative Jacobian in my structure is any way to change this...
Large indentation of elastic material with rigid body
I am modeling the indentation of a cell (modeled here as a parallepipedic neo-hookean elastic solid) by a spherical rigid indenter....
Meshing Software for FEBio
We were looking for some meshing programs within your software suite (
We were wondering...
Hiding parts (as opposed to geometry objects)?
I'm building an anatomical model that includes "nested" meshed parts that are completely surrounded by a larger mesh....