Angio Fe Test Files running Erros

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  • slabelle
    Hi, please see Michael's prior response:
    The original issue with the <max_ups> tag has to do with a bug that was introduced in FEBio 4. The way that parameter was specified was changed with the newer .feb specification, and the change broke compatibility with .feb version 2.5 files (which is what these AngioFE files are). This bug has since been fixed, and FEBio 4.7 will read that <max_ups> parameter in without any issues.
    Please update your version of FEBio to 4.7. You may not need the max ups flag so you could try removing that line if errors persist.

    I would also recommend running these models from the command line for now. There are some incompatibilities between the current version of FEBioStudio and the plugin which we will need some time to address.

    With regard to the .feb you attached, please note the following:
    • The plugin was developed with file spec version 2.5. We will update the plugin to support the current file spec but in the meantime change your spec to 2.5 (<febio_spec version="2.5"/>).
    • The plugin is not compatible with the solid analysis module. You must use a multiphasic analysis. This is documented in section 6.2 of the AngioFE manual. Please change <Module type="solid"/> to <Module type="multiphasic"/>. Please read up on the requirements for the multiphasic analysis as you will need to add additional parameters for this to run (for example, you currently have temperature at 0 K which may cause issues with the multiphasic material). This is documented in section 6.4 of the AngioFE manual.
    • You must use a multiphasic material as the main material for any domain that you want to include vessels. Please look at the example files to see how these are specified.


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  • trilochan.tadi
    Also, can I get help with this file if possible? I would really appreciate any assistance with this too. The goal was to test the plugin using a simpler test file by using a 1x1x1 cube with the fragment seeder set to 20,000.

    The plugin appears to load correctly when I run FEBio, but I'm encountering a persistent error related to material initialization. When I run the simulation, I receive a "Failed initializing material" error, and I'm unable to see the output files that should be generated by the simulation.

    I ran the simulation by clicking the FEBio_run option in the studio and also using the .exe with the code example from the user manual. It showed "Reading file success" and "1 Angio material found. Stress approach will be used," but no output files were generated.

    I have attached the .feb file and also the .exe result I got along with the error from the FEBio studio.

    Thanks for all the help and patience with me.

    Attached Files

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  • trilochan.tadi
    Hi Steve,
    I have tried that before form the user manual, it give me the same error message. here is the image below.

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  • slabelle
    Hi Sai,

    The plugin is a "task plugin" so you must specify that in your command (AngioFE3 user manual section 5.2). Please include the following in your command prompt:
    febio4.exe -i [filename.feb] -cnf [configfile.xml] -task=angio
    Give that a try with the example files and let me know if that runs.


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  • trilochan.tadi
    Hi Michael,
    Thanks for reaching out, and helping me understand the error.In the meantime, I am trying to create a simple 1x1x1 cube model in FEBio Studio to test the AngioFE plugin. I would like to assign an angio_mat material to the cube, set the fragment seeder value to 20000, and leave all other settings as default. However, I'm encountering issues when setting up the model and running it. Could you assist with creating this simple test model? Specifically, I need help ensuring the material and its properties are correctly assigned so I can generate an output file to verify the plugin's functionality.


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  • mherron

    I apologize for not responding to you sooner about this issue. The original issue with the <max_ups> tag has to do with a bug that was introduced in FEBio 4. The way that parameter was specified was changed with the newer .feb specification, and the change broke compatibility with .feb version 2.5 files (which is what these AngioFE files are). This bug has since been fixed, and FEBio 4.7 will read that <max_ups> parameter in without any issues.

    In regards to your earlier question about what the <max_ups> parameter does, it specifies the maximum number of updates to the stiffness matrix that can be done before doing a full reformation during the Quasi-Newton method. For more information on this parameter, see this page in our manual. The default value for this parameter is 10, and it appears that it was set to 15 in this problem. Removing the tag will cause it to default back to 10, and this may be fine, or it may lead to some convergence issues. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if you will be able to specify a different value when using a version 2.5 specification .feb file, while using FEbio 4.5, due to the aforementioned bug. You'd either need to update to a newer FEBio version, or update the .feb file to use the version 4.0 specification. Doing that can be difficult depending on the complexity of the .feb file, and the person who would be best equipped to help you, our lead developer Steve Maas, is unfortunately gone on vacation for another week. The bottom line, is that simply removing the tag, should get you past that error (as you saw), and it may end up running just fine with the default value of 10 (assuming that you can get past the other errors).

    Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to fix the issue with the material not initializing correctly. I attempted to run this file in FEBio 4.7, which bypassed the issue with the <max_ups> flag, but I still ran into this same material initialization problem. The material in question is very complex, and is one that I am not at all familiar with, as it's defined in the AngioFE plugin. The AngioFE plugin was created by another developer in our lab, Steven LaBelle . I've reached out to Steven about this issue, and I'm hoping to hear back from him soon. Once he gets back to me, we'll work together to figure out what's going wrong with this material initialization, and hopefully find an easy solution.

    Once we've figured out the issue with the material, we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

    Thanks for you patience, and please let me know if you have any more questions.

    Michael Herron

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  • trilochan.tadi
    started a topic Angio Fe Test Files running Erros

    Angio Fe Test Files running Erros

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm trying to run the test files provided in the AngioFE documentation using FEBio 4.5 and have encountered a couple of issues. Initially, I faced an "unrecognized tag" error with <max_ups> in my .feb file, which I removed. However, now I'm encountering a material initialization error with the message "Failed initializing material 1 (name='Core')" and warnings about the deprecated <fix> tag. I've updated the <fix> tags to the new <bc> format but still can't get the simulation to run. Can someone guide me on resolving these errors and running the test files from the AngioFE documentation correctly?

    Attached Files