The original issue with the <max_ups> tag has to do with a bug that was introduced in FEBio 4. The way that parameter was specified was changed with the newer .feb specification, and the change broke compatibility with .feb version 2.5 files (which is what these AngioFE files are). This bug has since been fixed, and FEBio 4.7 will read that <max_ups> parameter in without any issues.
I would also recommend running these models from the command line for now. There are some incompatibilities between the current version of FEBioStudio and the plugin which we will need some time to address.
With regard to the .feb you attached, please note the following:
- The plugin was developed with file spec version 2.5. We will update the plugin to support the current file spec but in the meantime change your spec to 2.5 (<febio_spec version="2.5"/>).
- The plugin is not compatible with the solid analysis module. You must use a multiphasic analysis. This is documented in section 6.2 of the AngioFE manual. Please change <Module type="solid"/> to <Module type="multiphasic"/>. Please read up on the requirements for the multiphasic analysis as you will need to add additional parameters for this to run (for example, you currently have temperature at 0 K which may cause issues with the multiphasic material). This is documented in section 6.4 of the AngioFE manual.
- You must use a multiphasic material as the main material for any domain that you want to include vessels. Please look at the example files to see how these are specified.
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