Welcome to the FEBio Forum. This forum serves the community of FEBio and FEBio Studio users and developers. Forum participants are encouraged to post questions, as well as answer posts from others. A broad level of participation is encouraged, to create a vibrant community that helps improve the quality and usefulness of these open-source/free software products. Moderators are here to assist with explaining novel features, addressing bug reports and reviewing feature requests, but the effectiveness of the forum depends critically on the participation of experienced users who can assist novices or share ideas and models that explore challenging problems. Please feel free to join in this effort. You can subscribe to forums by pressing the "Subscribe" button at the top of the forum. This will allow you to stay up to date on recent activity on the forum.
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Hello, I am working with load controllers for the first time and can't find any tutorials or guidelines for using them. Can anyone direct me to some, please? Thank you,
We don't have any tutorials that are specific to load controllers, but they show up in many of the tutorials on the Knowledgebase. So perhaps work through some of the tutorials there, and I'm sure some of your questions on load controllers will be answered. You can also find some documentation in the FEBio user manual.
Let us know if you have any further questions.
Department of Bioengineering, University of Utah
Scientific Computing and Imaging institute, University of Utah